Claude Desktop App Now Available for Mac and Windows

Claude Desktop App Now Available for Mac and Windows

Anthropic has released Windows and Mac apps for its AI assistant, Claude. The apps are available in public beta starting today for both free users and premium subscribers.

There aren't any major differences between the website and the desktop apps. However, Anthropic says the desktop apps are "Fast, focused, and designed for deep work." The goal is to provide a more integrated experience for users who prefer working with AI tools in their native computing environment.

As a dedicated app, you will now be able to trigger Claude with a keyboard shortcut and manage it independently. Importantly, this desktop app is not to be confused with Anthropic's recently announced Computer Use feature, which allows Claude to perform tasks directly on your computer. That capability is only currently accessible via the API.

Alongside the desktop release, Anthropic has introduced native dictation features for Claude on mobile platforms. This lets you record messages up to 10 minutes in length, which Claude can then transcribe and respond to. Note, this is not a multimodal voice capability like ChatGPT's Advanced Voice Mode. It's simply transcribing the text and the responding with a text output.

If you're interested in trying the new desktop app, you can download it here.

Chris McKay is the founder and chief editor of Maginative. His thought leadership in AI literacy and strategic AI adoption has been recognized by top academic institutions, media, and global brands.

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